Southwest VT Regional Technical School District Policies
By-Laws for the Southwest VT Regional Technical School District Regional Technical School District Board of Directors
Community Relations
- #1000C - Policy
- #1004C - Parental Rights & Responsibilities
- #1015C - Disruptive Persons
- #1020C - Visits to School by Parents
- #1025C - Public Complaints about Personnel
- #1030C - School Safety
- #1090C - Use of School Facilities
- #1100C - Fixed Asset Policy
Business and Non-Instruction
- #3060C - Professional Development
- #3100C - Transportation
- #3101C - Mandatory Drug & Alcohol Testing: Transportation Employees
- #3105C - Residency Requirements for Student Enrollment
- #3110C - Activity Accounts
- #3150C - Travel Reimbursement
- #3200C - Emergency Closings
- #3215C - School Parking
- #3216C - Idling of Vehicles
- #3300C - Access Control
- #3310C - Security Cameras
- #4001C - Sexual Harassment
- #4010C - Grievance Procedures
- #4035C - Conflicts of Interest in Hiring
- #4080C - Background and Criminal Records Check Policy
- #4100C - Alcohol and Drug-free Workplace
- #4200C - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance
- #4261C - Substitute Teachers
- #4276C - Supervision of Volunteers and Work Study Students
- #4328C - Military Leave
- #4400C - Safety and Security of Employees
- #4450C - Employee Conflict of Interest
- #5004C - Prevention of Harassment, Hazing and Bullying of Students
- #5005C - Child Abuse and Neglect
- #5011C - Parental Involvement
- #5030C - Attendance
- #5050C - Discipline of Students Suspension & Expulsion of Students
Students - (continued..)
- #5065C - Verbal/Physical Assault of an Employee
- #5080C - Dress Code
- #5084C - Personal Use of Wireless Communication
- #5085C - Search & Seizure
- #5086C - Weapons Prohibition
- #5087C - Threats and Disruptions to School Operations
- #5089C - Weapons Prohibition Other Than Students
- #5090C - Interrogation or Searches of Students by Law Enforcement
- #5120C - Concussion Management
- #5130C - Illness & Injury
- #5140C - Communicable Diseases
- #5175C - Substance Abuse
- #5176C - Medication in School
- #5180C - Tobacco Prohibition
- #5185C - Anaphylaxis
- #5200C - Fund-Raising
- #5265C - Educational Rights and Privacy Act - (FERPA)
- #5266C - Educational Support System
- #5400C - Student Safety
- #5411C - Comprehensive HIV/AIDS & Blood Borne Pathogens
- #5500C - Student Privacy Rights
- #5650C - Posting & Distribution of Materials
- #6000C - Curriculum
- #6130C - Copyright Policy
- #6141C - Computer, Network and Internet Use
- #6150C - Computer Equipment Inventory and Disposal Policy
- #6160C - Humane Handling and Care of Animals in Schools
- #6190C - Holiday Observance and Program
- #6220C - Animal Dissection
- #6230C - Curriculum-Based Field Trips
- #6382C - Home Study Programs
- #6383C - Evaluation of Students (Transferring)
- #6400C - Optimum Class Size
- #6500C - Community Service Projects
Board of Directors
- #7100C - Organizational Structure - SWVRTSD
- #7192C - Correspondence to the Board
- #7194C - Policy Review & Evaluation
- #7195C - Execution of Policy Administrative Regulations
- #7205C - Board Member Conflict of Interest
- #7300C - Public Participation at Board Meetings